
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Fact about Rongo-ma tane and Haumi-tiketike

  1. Rongo-ma tane is the son of the Papatuanuku(earth mother) and the Ranginui(sky father)
  2. Rongo Ma Tane is the God of crops.
  3. He is a male
  4. His name means peace
  5. In Hawaii Rongo is known as Lono

  1. He is particularly associated with the starchy rhizome of the Pteridium esculentum, which became a major element of the Māori diet in former times
  2. Haumia-tiketike also Haumia-roa, Haumia-tikitiki, and simply Haumia
  3. He agreed to the forced separation of his parents
  4. He looks after uncultivated foods such as wild herbs and bracken
  5. His a male

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